Titebond Wood Glue

Titebond is trusted by woodworkers, builders and contractors who depend on Titebond to deliver the most consistent, highest-performing products to meet their demands.

Titebond III Ultimate

Titebond III is the most advanced wood glue available today. It combines the strength, sandability, ease of use and water clean-up of PVAs with the durability, open time and water resistance of polyurethanes. Titebond III is suitable with Accoya wood. Requires less clamp time, and does not foam or stain skin.

Titebond III is ideal for both internal and external applications

Available in 237ml, 473ml & 3.8L

Titebond II Premium

Titebond II Premium PVA wood glue is water-resistant wood glue. Like the Original, it has a fast-setting adhesive that helps reduce clamp times and bonds stronger than the wood itself. Titebond II is weatherproof, easy to use and cleans up with water whilst wet.

The Titebond II is more effective for external applications because of its water-resistant properties.

Available in 473ml & 3.8L

Titebond Original

Titebond Original wood glue is the industry standard for woodworking and joinery. It provides a strong adhesive bond (stronger than the wood itself) and a fast set speed to reduce clamp time. It provides excellent sanding properties and is unaffected by different finishes of wood. 

Titebond Original is ideal for woods, leather, cloth and most porous materials. Easily cleans up with water.

Available in 473ml & 3.8L